Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tentative schedule

We're beginning.  The book is Detroit, I Do Mind Dying: A Study in Urban Revolution.  You can read one review under the Linkage in the column on the right side here.   You can also get a PDF file of the opening chapters.  You can also watch the film online from the Linkage.  It is titled Finally Got the News.  One chapter in the book covers the film, how it got made, why it was never finished, and what happened to the union before during and after the film.

The aim of this blog is to share notes and comments about our reading.  If you want to join in, just let me know and I'll add you as an "author" of this blog so that you can not only comment, but also post. 

Here's our revised meeting schedule:

*  Thursday, May 12, 6 PM to 8 PM.  pages 1 - 43.  (overview and intro)
*  Tuesday, May  24,  6 PM to 8 PM.  pages 43 - 106.  (League of Revolutionary Black Workers and "niggermation")
*   Thursday,  June 9,    6 PM to 8 PM.  pages 106 - 150  ("Finally Got the News" and Black Workers Congress).
*  Tuesday, July 5,  6 PM to 8 PM.  pages 150 - 201.  (STRESS: "Stop the Robberies; Enjoy Safe Streets" and chapters on the marxist judge and the 54 hour work week.)

Again, this schedule is not set in stone, and is likely to change based on your feedback.  Let me know!

-- FW Erick


  1. The new schedule we agreed to at our first meeting:

    Second meeting: Tuesday, May 24, 6-8pm.

    Third meeting: Tuesday, June 9, 6-8pm.

    Fourth meeting: Tuesday, July 5, 6-8pm.

  2. june 9th is a thursday. is the next meeting tuesday the 7th or thursday the 9th?
